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Elevate the art of gifting with our "Romantic Radiance Bouquet," a stunning arrangement of 12 exquisite red and light pink roses. This handcrafted bouquet is designed to convey love, passion, and tenderness, making it the perfect expression of your emotions for special occasions or just because.

Romantic Radiance


To ensure the longevity and beauty of your Romantic Radiance Bouquet, follow these simple care instructions:

  • Water: Upon receiving the bouquet, trim the stems at an angle and place them in a clean vase with fresh water. Change the water every two days to keep it clear and free from bacteria.

  • Temperature: Roses thrive in a cool environment. Avoid placing the bouquet in direct sunlight, near heating vents, or in drafty areas.

  • Trimming: Remove any wilted or discolored petals and re-cut the stems every few days to allow for better water absorption.

  • Avoiding Leaves: Keep the leaves above the water line to prevent bacterial growth. This helps maintain the freshness of the bouquet.

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